The Art Of Shreddin'

Accurate Mechanical Metronome For Musician

Take out the brake, pull off the cover, you just use the pendulum swing to choose your needed beat and tempo and let the pendulum go into motion. And provide a loud sound to aid you in keeping track of beats and tempo when practicing with various musical instruments.

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MECHANICAL METRONOME – establishes accurate musical timing, helps play at a proper pace, provides a firm sense of rhythm, develops finger agility and preciseness, shows a visual sense of timing from the pendulum and can be used by a music lover, beginner or musician of ANY age or experience!

No batteries, average 20 minute wind for longer practice and less frustration, steel gears for durability, 40-208bpm for choosing any ITSYR, and easily adjustable/optional 0/2/3/4/6 beat bell!


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