The Art Of Shreddin'



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Everything from neccessities to accessories …

Amplifiers are devices that convert the weak, low volume signal from your guitar, into a larger signal. The signal is projected through a speaker system, to produce a better quality and much louder sound. A tube amp makes a full sound and will improve the tone and clarity of your sound.

Effects pedals help give your electric guitar or bass different types of sounds, which can create the uniqueness of your tone. An effects chain, or signal chain, may be formed by connecting two or more effects pedals together, which will create a more complex sound.

Strings vibrate to produce a particular musical note. Guitars usually have 6 strings, allowing them to produce pitches in low and high ranges. Lighter gauge strings are easier to play than heavier gauge strings because they require less tension.

Cables are the only connection that links your guitar to your amp. Cheap cables lose a lot of the signal in transmission and results in glitches and mutes. Good cables improve the quality of your setup by preventing any loss of signals.

Picks are used to strum chords or to play notes on a guitar. It is useful when playing a lot of notes fast. On a steel string guitar, using a pick will make a richer and louder sound.

A guitar tuner helps you pre set your strings, to the note you want. A chromatic tuner takes your signal and tells you what the note you are in, so you can tune the string to the desired note.

Electric guitars can be very heavy and a guitar strap is used to support the weight. Most straps can be adjusted to any length, that is comfortable and allows you to move freely.

Padded, soft-sided bag or hard case, used for the storage and transport of guitars or bass guitars

Guitars are electrical instruments, with many parts. In order to work and perform properly, your guitar will need to be maintained and kept in good-working condition.

Wireless systems are the same concept as any other wireless tech device; allowing you to use them without wires. A good system can be expensive, in order to maintain a quality signal.

A pair of small speakers that can be worn in or around your ears. Just like speakers, headphones contain transducers that convert an audio signal into sound waves.

The bridge supports one end of the strings on a guitar, at the lower part of the body. It can be adjusted, to raise or lower the strings, and to adjust tension.

Tuning pegs allow you to adjust each string's tension, to alter the pitch.

This device clamps down all 6 strings, cross the fretboard. This shortens the length of the strings, and raises their pitch.

These scratchplates protect the guitar's finish from scratches caused by the use of guitar picks.

Portable devices and gadgets that are designed to improve guitar fingering and hand dexterity. Some common tools are pocket-size guitar necks, chord trainers, fretboard stickers, hand strengtheners and exercisers.

These floor-based units allow you to control an amp's power section, with your feet.

Transducers that convert string vibrations into electricity, which flows into your guitar amp, and is transformed back into mechanical energy as sound waves.

The knobs control the overall volume of the signal generated by the pickups, as well as the tone of the signal.

Stands and mounts will keep your guitar from falling over, and safe from damage.

Tremolo is used to make dramatic changes in the pitch of the strings. A "tremolo arm" (Whammy bar, tremolo bridge, or vibrato bridge) on your guitar is actually vibrato, which is varying pitch.

These devices are used to connect your microphones, guitar, keyboard, and other audio sources to your computer.

These tools allow you to rotate a tuning head more times with the same amount of effort as just using your hand. It makes changing your guitar strings easier and faster.