The Art Of Shreddin'


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This is a sound effect that results when two identical signals are mixed together, one of them being delayed. The result of this delay of one of the signals will create a sweep effect.

The Flanging Effect?

If you are looking for some really cool, sounding effects to add to your music, you should consider flanging effects. You may have heard about using flanger pedals. It is a popular effect, which can be recognized by its jet engine type of sound.

Walrus Audio Polychrome Flanger
MG Music That’s Echo Folks

Flanging is an audio effect created by mixing two signals together. This creates a swooshing or sweeping sound. It sounds like a jet plane, when it flies by something, or is low to the ground. That rushing sound, of a jet speeding by, is the sound a flanger pedal creates.

To produce the flanging effect, you need two audio signals. Both signals should be played identically, with the exception of phase.


DigiTech XTFV Turbo Flange
T-Rex Engineering QUINT-MACHINE


One of the signals will start later than the first. The period, or phase, is usually incredibly small. It’s usually just a fraction of a second, 20 milliseconds or less. The phase isn’t constant, and changes as time goes on.


Eventually, the peaks of both waves will meet, this is called harmony. Both waves will intensify each other, making them sound much louder. This is constructive interference.


Dr. Scientist Sounds Bitquest
Mini SCF Super Chorus Flanger

When the peak of one wave meets the trough of the other, it will create a destructive interference. When this happens, the two signals will cancel each other out.

The overall sound should get louder gradually, until it reaches a peak. Then the sound will gradually decrease until it goes silent.

Keep in mind that this all happens in a fraction of a second. This rapid change in volume is how the flanging effect is created. 

Mooer SFL1 Spark Flanger
MXR Flanger

Flanger pedals are characterized by four control knobs that are showcased on pedals that fall into this category. These knobs are used to control four different functions: manual, resonance, depth, and rate.


Picture a wave represented on a graph. As you fiddle with the rate knob, the frequency of the wave changes. For example, as you increase the rate of the frequency, the result will be quicker sweeps.

Matthews Effects The Chemist V2
Joyo High-end Edition Dr.J

Of course, fully understanding how to get the best out of this effect is a process that takes time. Otherwise, everyone would be an awesome guitar player. As you adjust the rate, you can make really subtle flanges.


Out of all the control knobs, this is probably the most difficult one to master. It changes the flanger’s intensity. Players that add more depth, will notice that there are different flanging stages. 

Supro Flanger
SolidGoldFX Oblivion Quad Flanger

For instance, turning the knob from zero to ⅓, the flanger has a more natural sound. Increasing the depth will result in a more synthetic sound, an effect that has a metallic vibe to it. Depth is typically a matter of a player’s personal preference. Adjusting the depth is something that needs to take into account your own personal taste.


If you want to determine how high the sweep goes, you need to fiddle with the resonance knob. It works hand-in-hand with the depth, to determine the flanger effect.

Source Audio Spectrum
PRS Wind Through The Trees Flanger

An important thing to keep in mind about resonance is that different pedals will attribute different values to resonance. This, in turn, will modify the end effect, meaning that discovering the right resonance value is very dependent on the music genre you typically play.


The manual knob might not even be a knob at all. This depends on the pedal model you’re using. Sometimes, it can be just a function of the resonance feature. Manual control will help a player determine the sweep’s center. When you choose higher manual values, you will notice how your flanger sound becomes more aggressive.

FLAMMA FC15 Analog Flanger

A lot of people may be wondering what types of music genres are best compatible with the flanging effects. The easiest answer would be any genre. However, they are more popular with specific categories of music. 

MOOER Jet Enginedual flanger
EX-Swoosh Flanger

Rock and metal are the most popular ones that typically use the effects produced by flanger pedals. Even so, they are not limited to these categories and can be used wherever you feel that these effects are best suited.

There are a lot of guitar players that use flanger pedals, mostly because the effect they can obtain is very interesting. Of course, choosing the best Flanger pedal is sometimes a matter of price, as the high-end options will bring more versatility and higher sound quality to the table.

Catalinbread STS-88 Flanger

If you are a beginner, you might find yourself overwhelmed with the controls and possibilities offered by some of the higher-end models, in which case it’s best to stick with a more inexpensive and basic guitar pedal. 

Finding the right flanger pedal can be a matter of experimenting, so don’t be afraid to upgrade as your guitar experience progresses and you understand more about how these pedals can enhance your sound.

Endeavors Flat Light Textural Flange

Recommended Flanger Pedals


Want luscious faux-chorus tones? You got it! How about some classic ‘60s psychedelic riffs? You got it! How about the guitar sound that made ‘80s rock history? You got that, too! No matter what you’re looking for: a slight warble; a squadron of F16s with their afterburners kicked on; or anything in-between, with this little beauty you’ll be burning down the house in no time.

Boss BF-3 Flanger

Building on the 20-year legacy of the famous BOSS BF-2, the new BF-3 flanger pedal gives guitarists and bassists an updated version of the classic BOSS flanger with the thickest stereo flanging sounds ever.

MXR EVH117 Flanger

This amazing stompbox features the same bucket-brigade technology that provided the sweeping, whooshing magic of the original. But we didn’t stop there. We’ve also added the EVH Switch, which instantly calls up Eddie’s “Unchained” sound with the exact same Manual, Width, Speed and Regeneration settings that he used to get one of the greatest guitar tones of all time.

Electro-Harmonix Stereo Electric Mistress Chorus/Flanger

This is the only pedal where lush Stereo Flange and Stereo Chorus work together seamlessly for the richest modulations that undulate and flow over any stage or recording. 

Keeley Dyno My Roto

The Dyno My Roto is a tough and difficult thing to accomplish in such a small package and we couldn’t leave good enough alone. We added a Flanger and a Leslie Cabinet simulator. The magic to the chorus sound in the Dyno My Roto is the three LFOs that give you lush modulations that truly sing out like a chorus of guitars. 

ISET Analog Galaxy Flanger

The Flanger Guitar Effects Pedal from Iset Music brings that classic, warm and wildly popular flanging effect all into one compact pedal! This pedal can spice up your playing with a crisp and clean flanging sound all while preserving your unique guitar tone.