The Art Of Shreddin'

Catalinbread Pedals FUZZ SERIES

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Clean boosting, dirty grit, octave freak-outs, classic garage sounds & screaming space dolphins – we’ve got your dirt needs covered! From warm and wooly to ripping and chunky. These you simply have to hear to believe!

Since 2003, Catalinbread Mechanisms of Music has been cranking out handmade, high-quality boutique pedals from its headquarters in Portland, Oregon. Catalinbread has built an impressive array of guitar effects pedals ranging from overdrive, fuzz, and distortion effects to reverb, delay, and modulation pedals that let you create virtually any kind of sonic soup you may want to serve up.

Catalinbread Pedals FUZZ SERIES

Catalinbread Perseus Sub-Octave Fuzz

Sub-octave fuzz so massive and thundering, you’ll regret turning it off.

We believe the Perseus is the coolest analog octave-down fuzz out there! The Perseus is an octave-down fuzz that allows you to select either one or two octaves down mixed with a fuzz sound that you can blend to any mix of the two you want, including just the fuzz or just the sub-octave. The Perseus can track the sub-octave note accurately no matter where on the neck you are playing!

The Perseus features three knobs and an octave switch. While the controls on the Perseus may seem simple, it’s important to know that your guitar’s tone, volume and pickup selection makes a big difference in the Perseus’ behavior.


You’ll notice that Perseus has plenty of outpute so you can pummel your amp to your heart’s desire. Unity volume is around 10:00.


It reduces the bass content of your signal. This allows you to use the Perseus into a cranked, overdriven amp without ‘flubbing’ out from too much bass as well as creating cool textures for lead playing.


This control allows you to mix the fuzz and octave sounds in any amount you want.

Catalinbread Karma Suture Silicon Harmonic Fuzz

The Catalinbread Karma Suture line was inspired by the rare Harmonic Percolator. Not just a clone, we’ve expanded the potential by adding the exclusive Density and Diodes controls coupled with months of fine-tuning to get everything just right. You’ll find great sounds through the rotation of all the controls. No matter how you have the pedal set, the tone and response is always alive, sensitive to your every playing nuance.

Silicon Karma Suture ups the gain, output, and brightness with two silicon transistors, still in PNP/NPN configuration, along with a pair of silicon diodes, configured for asymmetrical clipping.

Whether you’re using the Karma Suture as your standalone dirt box into your amp or you’re using it to boost, overdrive, and enhance your existing dirt pedals, you’ll be greeted with harmonic distortion laden with even-order harmonics – sweet and musical, even with complex chord voicings. Both models provide you with amazing even-order harmonic distortion with distinct personalities. If you’re familiar with the difference between a germanium and silicon fuzz face, then those qualities apply to the Karma Suture as well – germanium gives you a thick, sweet response with a softer picking attack. Silicon provides a more immediate picking attack with a more aggressive tone.



The Diodes control allows you to set the threshold of the diode clipping circuit – from full clipping to get the most distortion and compression all the way to no diode clipping for a wide-open (and Loud!) sound.


The Density control goes from a thick fuzz tone that can sound like an amp ready to explode all the way to a tight harmonically rich overdrive that screams ‘rock and roll!’. This control is the key to dialing in the Karma Suture with any rig, allowing you to fine-tune to find the exact sweet spot.


The Input knob controls how much of your guitar signal gets to the harmonic generator. Set it low for a lively boost, laden with even-order harmonic content. Or crank it all the way up to get fuzz blasts!

Catalinbread Giygas Fuzz

Super aggressive yet buttery and violin-like! The Giygas is the most powerful fuzz weapon in the known universe. Featuring a plethora of useful options, the Giygas gives you everything you’ve ever wanted in a fuzz box, along with some stuff you never knew you wanted.

The core of the fuzz circuit is brawny and fierce, yet with plenty of violin-like sustain and articulation on tap, and the entire thing is wrapped in a clean blend circuit. From there, the fuzz gets catapulted into a gyrator-based mids boost, and then into a tilt EQ circuit. With the blend rolled all the way back, you can use just the powerful high-headroom EQ to sculpt your clean tone. A horde of options await you under the hood, ones that will make our four-stringed friends extremely happy. And HOLY GOD is it loud. It can and will slam the front end of your amp if you let it!




After the end of the clean blend circuit, the signal goes into a gyrator (simulated inductor) mids boost centered at 900Hz and gives 10dB of boost or cut. Center is flat. Left of center (LoC) is scoop and right of center (RoC) is boost.

From there, it goes into a tilt EQ, also centered at 900Hz. Center is flat. LoC, the tilt boosts everything below 900Hz and cuts everything above up to 10dB. RoC is the opposite.

The clean blend circuit terminates after the fuzz but before the EQ. This means at full clean, you can still use the EQ and get a slight volume boost.

The trimmer is another gyrator circuit that sits in the same space as the mids circuit, boosting or cutting the 40Hz band. This can cut some mud when recording or provide a kick in the lows when cranked.

The slide switch shifts the center frequency of both mids gyrator and tilt EQ from 900Hz to 250Hz for our bass playing friends! In this mode, the 40Hz trimmer is especially touchy since rolling down the Tilt knob boosts 40Hz.

Catalinbread Octapussy Modern Octave Fuzz

The Catalinbread Octapussy is a frisky take on an old classic octave fuzz, huge range and blooming sonic textures!

The Octapussy is essentially, an octave-up fuzz in the tradition of the Octavia. But it’s not a clone of that circuit! Nope, it’s an original circuit utilizing 3 silicon transistors and two diodes that takes the tradition to the next level! The preamp section is custom voiced to give you an extremely dynamic playing response. You’ll get those famous high-octave lead tones up high on the guitar neck but you’ll also get an amazing array of fuzz tones anywhere else on the neck – just by how you play it and how your guitar’s volume, tone, and pickup selector is set.



This control increases the gain for more fuzz, harmonics, and upper-midrange frequency boost. it is voiced to be usable throughout its range from minimum all the way to maximum.


This control should normally be set full counter-clockwise. For best tone and response, only attenuate where you’ve got the Gain and Body knobs really cranking and need to reduce the output some.


This control increases the bass response or ‘thump’ frequencies. like the Gain knob, it also increases output and harmonic content. Technically, it is a negative-feedback loop with variable frequency response. But let’s not dwell on technicals. ..this is another more knob!

Catalinbread Antichthon Tone-Generating Fuzz

“Antichthon” refers to the ancient Greek idea that there was a “Counter-Earth”, 180 degrees opposite of Earth, but unseeable since it was always on the opposite side of the “Central Fire” from Earth. Today, that notion sounds quaint and ridiculous. But if such a planet did indeed exist, what was it like? Was it a mirror-image world where everything was the opposite of our world? These days we have new notions of the unseeable. There’s the concept of the multiverse, that there is more than one universe, and that “big bangs” are happening all the time, the quantum foam bubbling away, giving birth to new universes. And in these universes from a higher dimension, the laws of physics that we know to be true in our home universe may not be the same. Matter may not be the same. Light may not exist as we know it. Gravity may not exist or it may behave completely differently. In short, Everything would be different.

Welcome to the Catalinbread Antichthon, where nothing behaves as you expect it to. Where your guitar’s volume knob suddenly becomes a way to dial in strange new vistas of sound. Where your guitar’s volume knob makes things speed up or slow down, as your guitar pulsates like some strange new quasar. Where huge chords, laden with harmonics, give way to undulating tremblings.