The Art Of Shreddin'

amplifier footswitch pedals

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Switcher pedals can unlock a whole new world of signal flow and controllability in our pedalboards. These utility pedals can become invaluable to complex pedalboard systems when used to their full advantage.

Switcher pedals are utility stompbox units built for guitar, bass and other instruments that essentially direct the signal to a user-defined signal path. A switcher will have one or more inputs and one or more outputs. It works to send the right input to the right output at the right time.

JHS Red Remote Footswitch

Signal Flow

Audio signal flow is defined as the path the audio signal (whether it’s analog or digital) takes from the source to the output of the system. This path includes any gain stages (preamplifiers and amplifiers) and other units (mixing boards, processors, effects units, etc.)

Disaster Area Midi Baby 3
Fender 3-Button Footswitch

The signal flow would be as follows:

Guitar pickup  

Guitar patch cable

Guitar amp preamplifier 

Guitar amp power amplifier 

Cabinet speakers 

Signal flow generally follows a certain set of rules. Knowing the basics can help us to understand how signal flow works in more complex systems.

Signals flow into subsequent gain stages. In a proper setup, any preamps will come before any power amps.

Ampeg Footswitch
Marshall PEDL-90008

Signal flow can be explained with devices (amps, processors, etc.) drawn as blocks or as in-depth circuits in their own right.

Each device (amp, processor, etc.) has its own signal flow as well as its place in a larger system.

We can add acoustics into signal flow diagrams if it helps to convey the system as a whole (for example, including a “vocalist” block in front of a “microphone” block).

Audio signals flow out of device outputs and into device inputs. Connecting a device A’s output to another device B’s input will send signal from device A to device B.

Lewmar 68000888 Footswitch
Radial Headbone VT

Certain audio cables and devices can send audio in two directions at once (think of a headset = headphones + microphone, as an example). Fortunately, we won’t have to worry about this with guitar pedals.

Signals can be routed in many different ways within a single system. Switches, splitters, and clever routing can make this happen.

Signal flow can get rather complicated in live music setups with multiple musicians, large public address systems with many different loudspeakers, various monitor mixes, etc.

Hughes & Kettner FS-2 Footswitch
MeloAudio MIDI Commander

Signal flow also gets pretty complicated in broadcasting when we factor in all the communication that must go on during the show along with the natural sound, commentators, commercials, sound effects, and other signals that must be sent to the program feed.

What Do Switchers Do?

Audio signal switching units act to alter the signal flow path. In other words, they are routers.

Switchers come in different shapes and forms. They will have multiple inputs and/or outputs and work to route user-selected inputs to user-selected outputs. 

Tech 21 MM1 MIDI Mouse
Morley ABY Pro Selector

we can switch our audio output between the computer’s built-in audio output and the output of the audio interface. Audio interfaces will have their own routing scheme we should be aware of.

These designs can be incorporated into power amps and receivers or produced as their own standalone units.

A speaker selector will take the input signal and split it in order to drive multiple outputs. These outputs can then be turned on/off and have their output volume controlled by the unit.

Roland RPU-3

What Is A Switcher Pedal?

A switcher pedal is a stompbox-style unit designed to route input signal(s) to specified outputs. These pedals are typically marketed toward guitarists and bassists for use in their pedalboards but can be used by any musicians looking to switch their available signal flow paths.

Whirlwind Micmute PP Pedal Switch
Fender ABY Pedal Footswitch

Switcher pedal functions:

Redirecting the guitar signal to a completely new line of pedals. This can effectively turn several pedals on/off with a single button.

Altering the order of pedals (available in some loop switchers).

Switching between amplifiers. A switcher can have each output sent to a different amp if need be to change the tone.

Switching the channel of a multi-channel amplifier (this is perhaps the most common type of switcher pedal).

Radial JR1-L Footswitch
Fender 1-Button FootSwitch

A speaker selector will take the input signal and split it in order to drive multiple outputs. These outputs can then be turned on/off and have their output volume controlled by the unit.

AB-Y Splitter/Switcher Pedal

The most common switcher pedal plugs into the channel switch input of guitar amplifiers that offer “clean” and “dirty” channels (these channels could also be labelled “rhythm” and “lead” or some other names).

Orange Amps Amplifier Part

A footswitch pedal’s effect on the signal flow from a guitar to an amp cabinet

Amp Channel Switcher Pedal

These pedals will have one input (or more) and two (or more) outputs. They work by routing the input to a user-selected output. The term “AB-Y” helps describe these pedals in a one-input/two-output configuration.

Boss FS-6 Dual Foot Switch
HQRP 1-Button Guitar Amp Footswitch

 The letter “Y” symbolizes a single input (at the bottom/vertical line) and two outputs (at the top/diagonal lines). “AB” refers to the two paths the signal can take (A or B).

We can control the volume of output A and B, the phase difference between A and B (0º or 180º), and whether the input is routed to output A, B or both simultaneously.

AB-Y pedals can be used to switch between different amplifiers. 

Summing Pedals

A summing pedal can easily become the best friend of an AB-Y splitter.

The splitter/switcher will split a signal into two or more paths. A summing pedal will combine two or more paths into a single output signal.

JHS Summing Amp Input Signal
Vox Mini GO 3-Button Footswitch

Summing pedals are based on the summing mixers, historically designed to sum stereo audio (left and right channels) into mono audio.  They can be used to bring signal path A and signal path B back to the same point within the system, preferably before the amp input (or the amp’s effects loop return).

The summing pedal brings everything back together before the guitar amp input.

Other pedals with multiple outputs are those with stereo outputs (left and right channels) and those with dedicated direct outputs and affected signal outputs.

These pedals technically split the signal into stereo or dry/wet signals, respectively but aren’t really switcher pedals by any means.

Boss FS-1-WL Bluetooth Footswitch

Pedal Loop Switcher/Controller

These switcher pedals are often referred to as loop-switching pedals. These are the pedals that house multiple effects loops that can be turned on and off by stepping on single buttons.

KORG Momentary Pedal Footswitch
Line 6 LFS2 Footswitch

These pedals have inputs and outputs. We can easily plug our guitar directly into the input and plug the output of the loop switcher into the amp without missing out on any of our pedals.

Each loop can host any number of pedals. The number of loops depends on the pedal itself.

Some pedals also offer presets, in which each button offers its own preset of engaged and disengaged loops. Let’s have a look at a simple example with one pedal per loop:

Each loop can host any number of pedals. The number of loops depends on the pedal itself.

Maybe you’re struggling to make the pedal do what you need it to do. Reading the manual can tell you whether the thing is possible or not. On the flip side, the manual could offer a strategy you didn’t know about that will make your life that much easier!

Maxwell P19006 Covered Footswitch
Morley ABC Pro Multi Amp Selector

Though it’s important to think logically about setting up your switcher pedal to match your playing and gigging style, it’s also fun to experiment with different routings.

This can often be done with or without unplugging the pedals from the switcher.

When switching from one signal path to another, there can be significant tone and level changes. Try to keep these level changes conscious. If you need a boost, then have a boost. If you don’t, try dialling in the pedal to keep a consistent level across signal path changes.

Pigtronix Universal Remote
Nektar Foot Switch

A footswitch that controls the preamplifier channel of the guitar amplifier will typically plug directly into the amplifier rather than in the main pedal chain or effects loop.

Recommended Amp Footswitch Pedals

Hosa FSC-385 Footswitch

A sturdy, extruded aluminum chassis makes it strong enough to withstand the rigors of the road. Simply connect a 1/4 in TRS cable (sold separately) from the footswitch to the unit you wish to control, and you’re set.

Laney Amplifier Footswitch

Laney Amplification is a British designer and manufacturer of guitar amplifiers, bass guitar amplifiers, cabinets, and public address systems.

VOX VFS5 VT-Series 5-Button Footswitch

By using the optional VFS5 foot switch you can switch programs, turn reverb or other effects on/off, or make speed/tap settings using your foot. This is a great advantage when you’re creating sounds or performing live.

Marshall Footswitch

Replacement Footswitch for Marshall Amps. Two Button. Light-Up LED. 1/4″ Plug. Generic version of Marshall PED802 (P-H875)

Fender 2-Button Footswitch

Restore your contemporary Fender amp’s footswitch functionality with a genuine replacement Fender footswitch.