The Art Of Shreddin'

Adult Guitar Lessons:

5 Top Reasons To Start Playing Guitar Today

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“Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.”

…    Jimi Hendrix

Are you over 50 and always wanted to play guitar, but have been put off by common guitar myths? Read on, you will be surprised at what’s not true!

Have been avoiding learning the guitar because you were told that you are too old? Have you been discouraged by being told that you are tone deaf or have dumb fingers. You can take comfort from knowing that all theses things are simply NOT true. Let’s examine each myth and look at the benefits of learning as an adult.

Myth - Too Old?

Fact - In many instances it better to learn as an adult.

Adults are generally more focused and patient. Usually, the quality of the material, that adults want to study, has more substance. It has stronger musical composition and less to do with visual presentation. As a result, it is easier for adults to remember tunes and concepts.

Myth - Tone deaf

Fact - No such thing.

Your ear simply sits on the side of your head and picks up signals. When people talk about someone having an “ear” for music, they are actually referring to the person having a good memory for sound. Sometimes it means that the person can hear beats and r

So those who say… you either “got it or you ain’t” don’t understand that it’s not a generic thing… anyone with a normal nervous system has a memory and that memory can be trained!

Myth - Dumb fingers

Fact - No such thing

Fingers are the doing part of the human organism not the thinking part… therefore there cannot be anything such as a dumb finger or fingers; your fingers will only go where they are told to go, which brings me to the point that it’s not simply a matter of “practice makes perfect” but rather “PERFECT practice makes perfect”.

Remember: Speed is a by product of accuracy.

Correct data memory training precedes accurate motor skill repetition; learn something correctly once and then you will always perform the task accurately.

Now with that out of the way lets’ take a look at the five top reasons to start playing the guitar today.

1. Social relationships: to make new friends by participating in jam sessions, to meet a need for associations and friendships.

2. To Achieve a life long ambition: nothing beats the satisfaction of doing something you have always dreamed of doing… the things you achieve yourself are yours and no one can take that away from you.

3. Personal advancement: to learn something new and challenging, to learn a new skill.

4. Escape/Stimulation: to relieve boredom, provide a break in the routine of home or work, and provide a contrast to other exacting details of life.

5. Cognitive interest: to learn for the sake of learning, seek knowledge for its own sake, and to satisfy an inquiring mind; playing the guitar is all about problem solving so it’s the ideal way to keep your mind healthy and active.

And of course the biggest reason to start playing guitar… is to have FUN!