The Art Of Shreddin'

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Guitar pedals are designed to add effects to the sound of a guitar. They are basically used by most musicians, in similar devices, especially for recording music. For guitarists, the devices are built as pedals, mostly foot pedals. Most amplifiers have basic effects, like gain and reverb. There a so many varieties of pedals, it can be overwhelming for a beginner guitarist. As your playing progresses, you will develop your own sound and the benefit of adding pedals.

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There are so many different types of pedals, and the easiest way to describe them, is to separate them into categories: Volume, Boost, Reverb, Compressor, Delay, Looper, Tremolo, Pitch, Equalizer, chorus, Distortion, Phaser, Fuzz, Wah, Filter, and Multi Function Effects.

Boss RC-1 Loop Station

When using multiple pedals, it is important to consider the way you arrange them. Starting at your guitar, your pedals are connected from one to another, down to your amp. It creates a chain, passing a signal through each effect pedal, which results in the sound and tone that comes out of your amp. Some guitarists like having a lot of pedals on a pedalboard for live shows. Some prefer to keep their sound simple and clean. It is basically up to the individual and there is no right or wrong way to do it. It’s personal choice.